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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Data Base

Course 1:
Total hours:
Theory 30 + Practical 30

The aim of this subject:

is to study the basic principle and applications of Database.

Subjects Name:

  1. Introduction, System structure, Database user, Database Management System, Query, Storage Manager, Secondary Storage.

  2. Development of the Database, Type of Database Management Systems, Relational Database.

  3. Structured Query Language (SQL), SQL* PLUS, Tables, columns, raw, entity, attribute, domain, relation ship, type of relation ship, key, type of keys.

  4. SQL statement, Select statement, use select with retrieve data from table, Record, Aliases, Operator Precedence, Concatenation, DISTINCT, Describe, Dealing with NULL Value.

  5. Restoring And Sorting Data, Where Condition Statement, Comparison Operators, In, Between, Like, Is Null, AND, OR, NOT, ORDER BY, LIKE .

  6. SQL FUNCTIONS, SINGLE-ROW FUNCTIONS, Character Functions, Conversion Functions, Number Functions, Date Functions, Conversion Functions MULTIPLE-ROW Functions, Group Functions, Having, Sum, Max, Min, Avg, Count, Std Deviation, Variance, Equal join, Non-Equal join, Outer Join, Self-Join, more than tow tables.

  7. Displaying Data From Multiple Tables: Equal join, Non-Equal join, Outer Join, Self-Join, more than tow tables.

Course 2:
Total hours:
Theory 18 + Practical 18.

Subjects Names:
  1. Sub Queries: Single-Row Sub query, (= , < , > , <= , >= , <>) ,Multiple-Row Sub query IN, ANY, ALL.

  2. Database Architecture, Type of data, Table Spaces, Transaction Log, Database Layer, Database schema, Segments, Extents, Blocks, Memory Structure, System Global Area, Buffer Cache, Program Global Area, Process.

  3. Starting the Database, Operation mode of database Shutdown the database, Rollback Segments, Initializing Parameter file, Use Control Files, Data Dictionary, Use and Privileges, Roles.


  1. Avi Silberschatz Henry F. Korth S. Sudarshan DatabaseSystemConcepts Fifth Edition

  2. Elke PhelpsPaul Jackson, Oracle Applications DBAField Guide
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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